"It's all in your head," they said: Adriana's triumph and leadership in MG advocacy

"It's all in your head," they said: Adriana's triumph and leadership in MG advocacy

Adriana Harja is the President of the National Association Myasthenia Gravis Romania. At the tender age of 25, the first symptoms of MG began to appear in her life, manifesting as heavy legs that left her unable to walk. A simple walk along the pavement turned into a frightening fall that required assistance. Adriana found her life taking an unexpected turn due to this serious illness. The journey to a correct diagnosis proved arduous and took around 10 months.

Faced with doubt and scepticism, Adriana was initially dismissed as lazy and unwilling to walk. Worse, she was told it was all in her head, leading to an unfair three-week stay in a psychiatric hospital. Sadly, this is a common experience for many young women with MG symptoms, who are often misdirected towards psychiatric treatment. Finally, Adriana received the correct diagnosis, marking the beginning of her journey with MG.

In the 1990s, little was known about this rare disease, which contributed to the long diagnosis time. Adriana, who has now lived with MG for 33 years, recognises the importance of raising awareness of the condition to facilitate rapid diagnosis and immediate access to treatment.

Despite the obstacles she faced, she not only embraced life with MG, but achieved remarkable success. Although her childhood dream was to become a doctor, Adriana eventually pursued a career in chemical engineering. MG significantly changed her path and led her to work with people affected by MG. Currently, Adriana is the President of the Romanian Association of Patients with Myasthenia Gravis, fulfilling her childhood dream of caring for others. She is deeply passionate about supporting patients, helping them understand the intricacies of the disease, connecting them with medical professionals, and uplifting their spirits to cope and manage life with MG.

Adriana's story is one of resilience and commitment. Through her journey, she has not only learned to befriend her condition but has also dedicated herself to helping others on their journey to understanding and acceptance.

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