A coalition for change
Standing together for patients’ unmet needs

The voice of the MG community across Europe

Myasthenia gravis is a relentless adversary, challenging the lives of those it touches. Our coalition, bringing together patient organizations and representatives from different European countries, stands resolute and united by the vision of a world where every individual with MG and their caregivers are understood, supported, and equipped to live their best lives despite this hidden challenge

Discover our 6 recommendations for better care

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Your voice matters. Help us spread awareness about myasthenia gravis by sharing our message and resources with your community. Knowledge is a powerful catalyst for change, and together, we can illuminate the path towards a better understanding and support for the MG community.

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About myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia Gravis (MG), sometimes called MG, is a rare autoimmune, neuromuscular condition that causes muscle weakness and fatigue. In fact, the name literally means “serious muscle weakness,” which is the main symptom.

Learn more about MG